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Sunday, June 9, 2013


It has been years since a baseball game reached 19 innings.   Never before last night though has one game reached 20.  Arguably 2 of the worst teams in baseball (mets and Marlins) played 20 innings until the Marlins came out on top 2-1.   Personally I think it shows that offense is important but as the saying goes pitching wins pennants.

On an unrelated note yesterday was this years Zolioke.  Zolioke is a charity event setup by the patriots kicker Zoltan Mesko.   Susan Wood was there live and in person.   If any New England Patriots wishes to contact thegeorgetalk send an email to .  Also if ou know anyone interested in taking part in an interview email me!  I believe I speak for everyone when I say thank you for helping out other charities Mr.Mesko! 
^link to the Facebook page of the Mesko Organization.